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Hurricane Isaias; Probability of Storm Force Winds; Spaghetti Models; Port of Jacksonville receives grants of $75M

The following Transportation Happenings occurred during the past week (or, are still happening) that you may find of interest.

1. Hurricane ISAIAS is now forecast to come barely onshore the East Coast of Florida around West Palm Beach and continue North almost to Jacksonville. It then goes offshore again but makes another landfall in South Carolina, across North Carolina into Virginia. Later it may even affect New England. (See Attached)

2. This Panel displays the probability of Storm Force Winds. (See Attached)

3. This is the “Spaghetti Models” (multiple forecasts) of the Hurricane’s track. (See Attached)

4. The Port of Jacksonville was granted $75 Million this week in grants and loans the deepen the harbor. (See Attached)

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